Earex Olive Oil Ear Drops - 10ml

£684 £899
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What are Earex Olive Oil Ear Drops?

Earex Olive Oil Ear Drops are designed to help to remove earwax from blocked ears by softening waxy build up. Ideal for those who are suffering with blocked ears caused by earwax and are looking for an easy, natural solution.

Why are my ears blocked with earwax?

If you’re suffering with a build up of earwax in your ear canal, it could be caused by a number of different things. Some of the most common causes of blocked ears include:

  • Narrow ear canals
  • Hairy ear canals
  • You produce a lot of ear wax naturally
  • You use a hearing aid, ear plugs, or other in-ear devices which push ear wax into the ears.
  • Your age – ear wax can become harder naturally as you get older.

How will these ear drops work to remove my earwax?

Earex Olive Oil Ear Drops contain medicinal grade olive oil which works to soften hard earwax inside your ear canal, making it easier for a doctor or nurse to remove. It also helps to lubricate your ear canal, making it easier for earwax to move out of the ear naturally, relieving blockage.

How to use Earex Olive Oil Ear Drops.

Tilt your head to the side with the ear you want to treat facing upwards. Squeeze 2 – 3 Earex Olive Oil Ear Drops into the ear without touching your ear with the dropper. Gently massage the outside of the ear, keeping the head tilted to allow drops to soak in. Plug the ear lightly with cotton wool or tissue to prevent eardrops leaking if needed. To remove Earex Olive Oil Ear Drops, tilt head so the ear you have treated is facing downward and let oil drain, then wipe away with tissue or cotton wool. For best results, use Earex Olive Oil Ear Drops twice a day for up to 7 days.

When should Earex Olive Oil Ear Drops not be used?

Earex Olive Oil Ear Drops are not suitable for children under the age of 5 unless advised otherwise by a healthcare professional. Do not use this product if you are allergic to any of the listed ingredients. If you experience any pain or irritation while using this product, stop use right away. If irritation persists, speak to your doctor or Chemist 4 U pharmacist immediately.